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제목 2010 Annual Report on Copyright in Korea 발간
담당부서 조사분석팀 등록일 2011-11-29

2010AnnualReport.pdf 미리보기

2010 Annual Report on Copyright in Korea가 발간되었습니다.
Annual Report는 정보자료-조사연구-저작권관계자료 에서도 다운받아 보실 수 있습니다.

ㅇ 발행부서  : 조사분석팀
ㅇ 발행년도  : 2011년
ㅇ 총 페이지 : 106p
※ 자료문의 : 조사분석팀(02-2660-0084)


A Messege from the Minister    5

Introduction to Government and Public Institutions    9
I. History of Culture, Sports and Tourism    10
II. Korea Copyright Commission    13
III. Copyright Protection Center    16

Introduction to the Copyright Act     19
I. History of the Copyright Act    20
II. Main Content of the Copyright Act    21
III. Proposed Amendments to the Copyright Act Pending in the National Assembly in 2010    26
IV. Membership of  International Treaties    27

Copyright Protection Activities    29
I. Copyright Education and Public Awareness Programs    30
II. Response to and Crackdown on Copyright Infringements    43
III. Copyright Protection Technology    53

Encouragement of Copyright Use and Dispute Resolution    63
I. Building Copyright Information Systems    64
II. Copyright Registration    66
III. Copyright Dispute Resolution   70

Copyright Collective Management Organizations    77
I. Introduction    78
II. Facts    79

Appendices    89
I. Status of Copyright Industries    90
II. Copyright Statistics    95
III. Main Activities in 2010    102
IV. Directory of Major Organizations    103