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제목 2011 Annual Report on Copyright in Korea
담당부서 산업연구팀 등록일 2012-10-31

Annual Report on copyright in Korea.pdf 바로보기

UCI 코드
  •    G903:CD0-000000292   
ㅇ 발행부서 : 산업연구팀
ㅇ 발행년도 : 2012년
ㅇ 총 페이지 : 142p
※ 자료문의 : 산업연구팀(02-2660-0084) 
A Messege from the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism 4
Introduction to Government and Public Institutions 10
I. History of Culture, Sports and Tourism 12
II. Korea Copyright Commission 15
III. Copyright Protection Center 19
Introduction to the Copyright Act of Korea 20
I. History of the Copyright Act of Korea 22
II. Overview of the Copyright Act of Korea 24
III. Key Points of the Amended Copyright Act for the Implementation of the Korea-EU, Korea-US Free Trade Agreements 30
IV. Membership of International Treaties 39
Copyright Protection Activities 40
I. Response to and Crackdowns on Copyright Infringements 42
II. Copyright Education and Public Awareness Programs 51
III. Copyright Protection Technology 77
Copyright Industries, Facilitation of Use of Copyrighted Works and dispute Resolution 84
I. Special Classification of Copyright Industries 86
II. Support for Facilitation of Copyright Business 87
III. Provision of Information on Works in the Public Domain and Facilitation of Use of Public Copyrighted Works 94
IV. Copyright Dispute Resolution 100
Copyright Collective Management Organizations 106
I. Overview 108
II. Current Status 109
Appendices 130
I. Copyright Statistics 132
II. Main Activities in 2011 140
III. Directory of Major Organizations 141
이전글 다음글
이전글 저작권 동향 2012
다음글 저작권 관련 유럽연합 지침
  • 담당자 : 박정훈
  • 담당부서 : 법제연구팀
  • 전화번호 : 0557920076

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