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Title Study Visit to the Korea Copyright Commission
Date 2010-11-18

WIPO Study Visit to the Korea Copyright Commission was organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO) in cooperation with the Korea Copyright Commission(KCC) and with the Assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) of the Republic of Korea from 2nd of Nov to 5th. With this program we provide an opportunity to learn from, and share, the Korean experience in the administration of copyright and related rights, and to strengthen the capacity of the participants of formulate copyright policies, modernize legislative and administrative frame works and management system with participants.
On the 1st day of the program, we had a topic about ‘Introduction to Korean Copyright Law’, ‘Case Study of Recent Copyright Cases’ and ‘Planning and Developing Copyright Policies : Pending Issues’.
For the 2nd day, there were speeches about ‘Korea Copyright Commission’s Roles’ (Conciliation of Disputes, Research on the Legal System & Consultation, Copyright Education & Promotion, Copyright Registration System in Korea and Copyright Collective Management Systems & Societies of Korea by KCC employers.
Both 11 4th and 5th all the participants were visiting MBC, National Assembly, Seoul Central District Court, KOCCA, KOMCA, CPC and SKT