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Title The second Korea-Japan Copyright Forum was held on Oct. 5th at the COEX, in Seoul Korea.
Date 2010-10-12

The 2nd Korea-Japan copyright forum (sponsored by MCST. ACC) was held with 120 participant on oct 5th, at the COEX conference room by KCC and CODA.
The title of forum is ‘Cooperation to copyright protection on online’, and the first session was addressed by professor Jung Jin-keun from Kangwon Univ. and Kazufumi Dohi from Nihon Univ. about the recent trend of the legal policy of copyright protection on online.
At the 2nd session, both Watanabe Satoshi from JASRAC and Lee Jung-jae from KCC were sharing the idea of information and experience of legal and technical issues to protect copyright..
With this 2nd Korea-Japan copyright forum, we could get the idea to protect the copyright on the online in this network era, also had a chance to make cooperative growth in this global copyright market.